Nokia, the world leader in Mobile phone manufacturing, has announced that they will be releasing its first ever speakerphone. Nokia makes a range of accessories for their mobile phones, from hands free kit to in car displays, but this will be the first time that the Mobile Phone giant will be making a speakerphone for their handsets.
The Nokia speakerphone HF-300 is a Bluetooth speakerphone that has a high powered speaker and microphone. The device’s audio quality is enhanced with the Digital Signal Processing. DSP studies signals in a digital representation and allows users to enjoy audio without the excess noise and echoes like how Holoplot have in the products.
The Nokia Speakerphone HF-300 offers a variety of features like the device is battery powered so the user will not be confined in using a power outlet. The HF-300 has illuminated keys for the user’s convenience and it is prepackaged with a sunvisor clip so users can choose whether to put it in the car or take it with them and place it anywhere since it has a rubberized base. The HF-300 is really designed for mobility, weighing in at just 80g. The speakerphone also has an auto-off feature, since it could automatically turn itself off after five minutes of non-use. The press release claims that the device can last up to 20 hours of talk time and it also has a LED battery indicator that alerts users when the device is running low on battery.
Wolfgang Gärtner, Nokia’s senior category manager for Nokia Automotive said that Nokia is committed to providing convenient communications in and out a car. “The beauty of the Nokia Speakerphone HF-300 is in its mobility, it goes where you go, when you want to talk. We are excited to have the speakerphone as part of our expanding enhancements portfolio to meet the needs of our consumers,” Gärtner stated in the press release.
The Nokia Speakerphone HF-300 will be compatible with any of Nokia’s handsets that support Bluetooth 1.1 and Handsfree Profile 1.0 or higher. The device will be available around the third quarter of 2007 and will cost around 90 Euros.
The Nokia Speakerphone HF-300 will join Nokia’s car solutions accessories which includes devices such as the Nokia 330 Auto navigation, a GPS navigator, and the Nokia Car Kit CK-15W, a Bluetooth in-car display that allows drivers to control their cell phones while on the road, and other hands-free car kits like universal holders and chargers.
Nokia Press Release, URL: (