Informing search engines that your site content has been updated is an important task. Google downloads your site-map automatically every few days, or even few hours If you are running a big website. However, Webmasters like to ping Search Engines automatically after every update on the website. Here are few links for several search engines that you may want to ping.
1. Google
2. Yahoo
3. Bing
4. Ask
If you are using WordPress, All-In-One-Seo does this every time you publish a new post. I have made a function if you don’t want to make the ping request manually.
File Name: pinger.php
<?php function pingSE($url){ @file_get_contents("" . $url); @file_get_contents("" . $url); @file_get_contents("" . $url); @file_get_contents("" . $url); } // using the function.. pingSE(""); ?>