In the advancement of cosmetic surgery, many teenagers are turning to facial procedures that were once reserved for women of the older population. Young teenage girls are, today, looking for light cosmetic surgery options to improve the look of their skin and to preserve young beauty. In many medi-spa and dermatology offices, teenagers are being offered chemical peels as a service.
Traditionally used to reverse the signs of aging, many teenagers are considering chemical peels to ward off the signs of sun damage commonly associated with sun exposure or tanning bed exposure. In addition, these types of facial resurfacing techniques are used to reduce the appearance of acne scars. If your teenager has inquired about the use of facial resurfacing, you may not want to dismiss the treatments entirely.
Chemical peel techniques come in a variety of options for your teenager. As a way to speed up the process of natural exfoliation, the degree and depth of the chemical peel will result in a different benefit. First, there is the very simple, and direct, method of exfoliation. With just simple agent application to the superficial layer of skin, there is no significant degree of skin damage attributed to a simple exfoliation procedure. For most teenagers, a professional exfoliation is the best option in chemical peels.
In addition to superficial chemical peels, your teen may also be offered the option to undergo medium-based chemical peels or deep layer chemical peels. With medium and deep level chemical peels, you can expect there will be changes to the pigmentation, some degree of swelling and evidence of the skin treatment. It is important, therefore, to ask the dermatologist about how the treatment will help and adversely affect your child’s skin. As part of your inquiry, ask the clinician about the level of clinical signs your teen’s skin displays. Essentially, there are three levels of clinical signs that can be classified to any skin complications but most teenagers are not classified on a level three clinical sign unless there are marked acne scars.
There are some risks for scarring associated with chemical peels. It will be important, as a parent, that you inquire about this risk and do what is necessary to prevent long term complications from a simple procedure. When unsure, stick to the exfoliation or superficial chemical peel and progress to more advanced chemical peels as you see the results progress. Always err on the side of caution when your teenager requests permission to undergo chemical peel or any other type of facial resurfacing technique.
Check out my next review about Kinderopvang Leiden where my kid is currently going for my next post!